What is timesheet efficiency?

Timesheet efficiency refers to the ability to quickly and accurately collect timesheets and approvals from candidates and clients. It’s helpful to measure manual and late timesheets as weekly volume as well as a percentage of all timesheets.

What does it answer?

Evaluating timesheet efficiency is focused on the amount of manual work required to complete the task, whether it be following up with candidates to submit timesheets or client approvers for timesheet approvals. This provides useful information on the performance of your time capture processes, along with your technology. By establishing a performance baseline agency staff can identify and test potential changes to improve performance. It’s important to measure this across all time capture methods, including VMS.

How do you measure it?

Timesheet efficiency can be evaluated through ad hoc reporting around manual and late timesheets.

  • Manual Timesheets: manual timesheets can be identified and measured by the method of timecapture.
    • It’s important to include an analysis of VMS placements, as they can be a significant source of manual processes. In Bullhorn, this can be measured by identifying timesheets processed through VMS Exchange, pulls timesheets from the VMS and does not require manual input after setup.
  • Late Timesheets: analyse the percentage of timesheets submitted after your payroll cutoff.

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