October 2022 Product Updates and Enhancements

Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the October 2022 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.
Missed the product updates last month? Check out the September 2022 release highlights while you’re here.
Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM
S Release
- Email Alerts for Self Heal Status Updates: Data Replication with EMS Customers are now able to receive an email alert to get a status update on the self-heal process. The clients are able to provide a list of email addresses to Bullhorn Support that should receive the notifications. Contact Bullhorn Support to have this set up.
- Opportunities Activity Tab Edit and Status History: To help improve readability for international clients, we have localised the table column headers for the Opportunity Edit History and the Status History on the Opportunity Activity tab so that the field names are automatically translated based on a user’s Locale setting.
- Direct Deposit Entity, Issue and Issue Item Entities can be Used without BH1 and BTE Corp Settings: Non-Bullhorn One customers will now have access to the Issue Items List and Direct Deposit features. This change will allow any Bullhorn ATS customers to view the values that actively exist within the Issue Items List in Bullhorn ATS. The Direct Deposit feature will allow any Bullhorn ATS customers, integrating with external systems for payroll and/or billing, to store that data in Bullhorn.
- SEEK Management of Existing Job Ads: Within BH Connect, users now have the ability to see manage the entire lifecycle of their SEEK job ad posting by:
- See the current status and planned expiration date
- Make edits to open SEEK job ad posting
- Expire open SEEK job ad posting
- SEEK Feature Updates: Within SEEK module, the following features were added:
- Preview button to confirm changes prior to submitting
- Ability to manage multiple SEEK accounts based on business need
- Inclusion of Selling Points within SEEK search screen (Standout or Above Ads ONLY)
- Preview of SEEK Published Job: Jobs can now be viewed with a Preview button before they are published.
Bullhorn Automation Product Updates
- Branding: New iFrame header in the ATS on the Automation Tab in records provides a more unified user experience.
- Edit History: Automation Edit History increases visibility into in-app changes and user activity.
- Monitoring Resources: Enhanced performance metrics and alerting around Data Sync and List & Automation processing will allow better identification and prioritisation of further improvements.
Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync
VMS Sync
- Beeline Multi Buyer Tenant Feature Flag: Added Credential feature flag for multi-tenant Beeline logins. This lets VMS Sync process reqs from all buyers present in a single Beeline login.
- Staffbot VMS Update ReqID: Sync now supports Staffbot’s new reqID format.
VMS Sync Robots
- Health Report – CNET – getReqList 100%: Updated Position List URL for CNET logins to process positions successfully.
- Add Position Attachments to ATS: We restored attachment upload functionality for Dotstaff reqs. All documents present on a VMS req are expected to attach to the corresponding ATS Job.
- Processing Reqs: VMS Sync has updated our authentication method for MyWorkDay, and is now processing new and updated reqs as expected.
- Attachments: VMS Sync now supports VectorVMS req attachments. VMS files are expected to deliver to the ATS, as they contain additional job details or forms required for candidate submission.
For a complete look at October product updates, please visit the full release notes.