Streamlining Your Recruitment Business: Running As One with Freshminds

In a highly competitive market, it is more important than ever for recruitment agencies to be efficient, streamlined, and run as one. We sat down with Freshminds to find out more about unifying teams, systems, and processes with Bullhorn.
It’s no secret, recruitment is the industry of people; the people you recruit as candidates, the people you’re recruiting for as clients, and the people working within your recruitment business. It all centres around these relationships and the information that comes with them. But in a fast-paced and high-turnover environment, how can your agency keep on top of this, remain unified, and make the most of the incredible opportunities available? The answer may lie in your technology stack and its ability to unify the teams, systems, and data that drive your business.
One Team, One Truth, One Platform
First things first, let’s debunk an important myth: your recruitment system isn’t just for your recruiters. A common issue faced by many recruitment agencies is poor cross-team or cross-department collaboration and visibility. Frequently sales, recruiting, finance, marketing, and operations teams are out of sync and focusing on the wrong areas for growth. This was one of the driving forces that brought Freshminds to Bullhorn; they were looking for a forward thinking solution that could bring their team together and facilitate a single source of truth.
“I always think with technology, you want to be partnered with the company that’s going to be running fastest, and developing fastest” – Adam Clements, MD, Freshminds
For the Freshminds team, Bullhorn is a central repository for information; no matter what your role or department is. This means that everything from timesheets, to invoicing, successful placements, write-ups, and references are all within Bullhorn. Having a single source of truth makes it easy to share data, retain visibility into ongoing processes, and collaborate effectively across teams.
Of course, different roles require different functionalities, and Freshminds has been able to unify and align the work of each department by customising the system through integrations and add-ons. This eliminates the need for multiple disconnected solutions and permits for efficient sharing of information. For example, as Finance Director, Victoria Marshall explains, by integrating RSM and InTime with Bullhorn, Freshminds’ finance team are able to streamline core back-office functions like timesheet collection, payroll and billing, and ensure all data remains in sync, and in one trusted place.
“Everything can be centrally done from this one system, so we don’t ever have to leave it” – Kiren Shoker, Head of Research Analysts, Freshminds
Running As One To Improve Experience
Candidate and client-oriented departments of Freshminds are able to utilise the single platform and centralised source of critical information to facilitate increased profit, growth, and a seamless candidate and customer experience – the latter being vital to a relationship-focused business like Freshminds. As Marketing Manager, Charlie Roe explains “you don’t want to bombard a candidate with things because you’re working from multiple sources” You want to have everything in one place, and not get lost in a sea of spreadsheets.
One platform and one source of truth enables the Freshminds team to work as one, maintaining important candidate and client relationships, monitoring engagements, collaborating with each other and avoiding duplicated communications or errors (important if you want to provide a seamless candidate experience!). By having all information available in one place, research teams able to search for candidates efficiently, redeploy great on-system candidates, and turnaround the process rapidly. A connected recruiter is an effective recruiter, after all.
“We believe that recruitment is very much a team game. We share everything; candidates, information, learning, knowledge, and even clients.” – Adam Clements, MD, Freshminds
It’s not only the candidate and client experience that Freshminds has seen improve since turning to a single platform, but they’ve also seen an improvement in the internal experience among staff too.
Prior to Bullhorn, Freshminds’ legacy system had low user-adoption and management often saw incomplete notes and unregistered placements. But after moving to Bullhorn and including Cube19 as a Management Information System, Freshminds saw user-adoption increase. “Everyone now updates Bullhorn regularly in order to see their activities and achievements reflected on Cube19” explains Managing Director, Adam Clements. “We’ve also had great success from a Business Development perspective by integrating Herefish into Bullhorn for visibility too”.
Find out more about how Bullhorn can help your business Run As One
Freshminds is a London-based recruitment consultancy, connecting top-tier talent with dynamic permanent or project roles. Their network of the brightest “Minds” are deployed rapidly and in very innovative ways to deliver strategy and research services to clients. The Freshminds team live by four key values: to be best in class with everything they do, to be driven and get a lot done, to be collaborative, and to be engaging.