3 Ways Staffing Recruiters are Like Race Car Drivers

Every time that someone asks me about the recruitment industry and the staffing firms that we serve, I start by explaining how staffing recruiters are different from corporate HR people.  I’ll get asked that “recruiters are recruiters, right?”  Wrong.

While staffing recruiters and corporate recruiters both fill open job orders, the speed required, and competitive nature that each takes can be very different. Corporate recruiters often have various responsibilities in serving the company they work for and limited roles to fill, whereas staffing firms are focused on generating profit by earning as many job orders as possible, then filling those job orders as quickly as possible.  Staffing recruiters need to deliver value not just to their own company, but also to their clients and the candidates they are sending out to hiring managers.

The next time that someone asks you how staffing is different than in-house recruitment, send them these 3 ways that staffing recruiters are like race car drivers, while in-house recruiters are more like bus drivers:

  1. Need for Speed
    1. Bus drivers try to follow a set schedule without falling too far behind.  If they hit traffic, they don’t pay too much of a price, other than some upset passengers. Even if they want to take a faster route to get to their ultimate destination, they can’t.
    2. Race car drivers see speed bumps as the difference between a well-earned fee, or going home empty handed.  Entering a race is all about reaching the finish line – and they’ll pass other cars to get there first.
  2. Drive for Profit
    1. Bus drivers make a set amount of money no matter how many stops they take, or how long it takes them to get to their destination.  While more passengers can mean more revenue, there are only so many seats on any given bus.
    2. Race car drivers are behind the wheel not just to make a living, but to be the best.  There is no limit to the number of races race drivers can win, or endorsements they can sign.  There’s a lot of potential for fast drivers to profit, but earning that upside takes hard work, and a little luck never hurts.
  3. Burn-Out Risk
    1. Bus drivers follow a relatively set routine, and enjoy some predictability from one day to the next when they’re driving the same route.  Even when traffic conditions turn for the worse or passenger flow spikes at rush hour, bus drivers always have room in their own seat.
    2. Race car drivers have to be able to handle uncertainty, danger, and competition at every single race.  Not having any idea how they will place in any given race can be downright nerve-racking.  It’s not for everyone, it’s exhausting, and there’s no shame in walking away after getting passed one too many times…or crashing.

Bus drivers do important jobs, and corporations wouldn’t work well without their in-house recruiters.  Like race car drivers, bus drivers also sit behind of the wheel of a vehicle, but their purpose and day-to-day routine is very, very different.

This Bullhorn Blog post was written by Adam Stober.

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