April 2022 Product Updates and Enhancements

Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the April 2022 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.
Missed the product updates last month? Check out the March 2022 release highlights while you’re here.
Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM
- Add Companies in Bullhorn Permissions: Users with the Company Ownership feature who do not have the “Edit Company Ownership” entitlement enabled will now be able to add companies in Bullhorn without receiving an error message.
- Add Company Option: For clients using the Company Ownership feature, the “Add Company” option will no longer appear for users who do not have the entitlement to add companies.
- Field Translations on the Edit Contact Page: The Specialties dropdown available on the Contact edit page has been localised.
- Field Translations on the Add Candidate Page: The “Add Submission” selection under Schedule Next Action on the Candidate add page has been localised.
- Organise Note Template Localisation: All columns on the Organise Note Template page are now localised.
- Add a Contact with Company Info Field Interaction Trigger: Adding a contact and applying the company address to the contact will now initiate a change event so that any field interactions set up to trigger on address updates will execute.
- API Documentation Update: Shifts: Documentation for all of the Shift Scheduling entities is now available on the public REST API documentation site.
- Improved Phone Number Parsing in Sovren: We have taken advantage of Sovren v10’s updated phone parsing capabilities and will now be able to process and store multiple phone numbers from the candidate’s resume. The first phone number on a resume will be parsed as the Mobile phone. The second phone number, if one is provided, will be parsed into the Home Phone Number field.
- Entitlements for Federal/State/Local Tax Forms: A new set of entitlements are now available and will allow Bullhorn administrators to control what user types can view, add, edit, or delete the federal, state, and local tax forms.
- View Worker Compensation Rate on the Placement Overview: Bullhorn Administrators now have the ability to configure in View Layout the Placement Overview to include and display the Workers Compensation field on the Details card.
S Release
- Saving a Query as a Favourite: Entity list favourites (saved searches) will now correctly return results for queries using the advanced note searching criteria “Does NOT Have.” This applies to both new and existing saved searches.
- API Documentation Update: Custom Actions: The public REST API documentation now includes information on the Custom Action APIs.
- API Documentation Update: Shifts: Documentation for all of the Shift Scheduling entities is now available on the public REST API documentation site.
Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync
VMS Sync
- Display Full Folder Group Value Within Skill Mapping: Erecruit v2 ATS Skill values now contain Category, Sub-Category, and Folder Group Name.
- Shiftwise VMS: Bullhorn and Shiftwise Support teams are working to restore functionality
- StaffingNation VMS: The StaffingNation VMS is now available.
- Pixid Email Parsing: Email Parsing is now supported with Pixid.
For a complete look at April product updates, please visit the full release notes.