Quarterly Release Roundup: Q4 2021

With plenty of product updates each month, it can be challenging to keep up with what’s new inside Bullhorn. To make sure you’re up-to-date with the most recent enhancements, we’ve compiled a list of the top product updates from the last quarter so you can make the most out of your investment in Bullhorn.
Read on for a roundup of the product updates and enhancements we released in Q4 2021.
New Functionality in Bullhorn ATS & CRM
- Entitlements Respected on Forms: Edit and Delete credential entitlements are now respected on the credential forms.
- Custom Objects Access All Records: Custom objects can now access all records past the first 500 as expected.
- PageContext Property: The pageContext property is now listed correctly on edit pages for Submissions, Placement Change Requests, and Candidate Work History, Candidate References, and Candidate Education.
- Slideout Loads Correctly After SSO Relogin: When your session times out in Novo and you have a slideout open, the slideout loads correctly when you log back in.
- Russia Date/Time Preferences: Russian users can now set their preferred date and time format in User Preferences. The Date Format field has the following new option:
- dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm (ru-RU) if the private label uses 24-hour format without AM and PM
- dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm AM/PM (ru-RU) if the private label uses a 12-hour format with AM and PM
- Entity Record Counts Affecting Page Load: We have implemented a new “loading” animation to the related record count headers and allow the page to load before all record counts are returned. This should allow for faster page loads for entities with many related records.
- Selecting/Deselecting When Filtering/Sorting File Lists: We enhanced the record selection process on the Novo files tab so that when users choose file records, the records will remain selected when paginating, filtering, and sorting. This will allow users to interact with these records and action on them across multiple pages and data sets. Please note that selecting records en masse and actioning on them is limited to up to 500 records.
- Novo Tax Tab: Novo Tax Tab fields are now accessible in REST without needing First Party Access.
- I.e., Any user can utilize this field, regardless of access type.
- Candidate Search Filter: Conducting a candidate search by note action now correctly applies the note date added filter.
- I.e., When you search for candidates and filter to include one note action and exclude another note action, the note date added filter will now apply to both.
- Searching by Category/Specialty in OSCP: Searching by Categories/Specialties by name in the Open Source Career Portal now works as expected.
- Federal, State, and Local Tax Info Available for Data Mirror: Data Mirror can now pull the federal, state, and local tax info from your database.
- Page and Field Interactions Supported: We now support field interactions and page interactions on the federal, state, and local tax forms within the Tax Info tab.
- Advanced Note Search: When performing a search using the “Does NOT Have” parameter, the search will correctly filter records that do not have the specified criteria.
- Multiple Search Criteria Containing a Slash: Searching on a Contact list will now succeed when multiple search criteria are selected, and one of the search values contains a slash “/.”
- Creating Merge PDF With .doc and .docx files: Customers using the Merge PDF feature can now successfully incorporate .docx and .doc files within the merged PDF
- Logging Into Bullhorn Mobile via the Android App: Users can now log in to the Bullhorn Mobile App on the Android OS.
Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync
Bullhorn VMS
- Flex Mapping companyID Search Results: ATS IDs will now take priority on search results and be shown at the top. Sync will look up IDs not found rather than requiring a full mapping refresh.
- Maestro VMS Integration: The Maestro by Medical Solutions VMS integration is now available.
If you have additional questions about our recent updates or enhancements, make sure to explore our complete product updates on the Bullhorn Customer Portal.