September 2021 Product Updates and Enhancements

Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the September 2021 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.
Missed both product updates last month? Check out the August 2021 release highlights while you’re here.
Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM
- Erase-Related Enhancement (Data Mirror 8): When a Contact, Candidate, or Lead is erased from Bullhorn for GDPR purposes, the record of their existence will also be removed from Data Mirror.
- I.e., Data Mirror 8 blanks out the appropriate fields tied to an anonymised record upon replication from Bullhorn.
- Erase-Related Enhancement: When a Candidate is erased from Bullhorn for GDPR purposes, the record of their existence will also be removed from Mass Mailing history.*
- I.e., An erased candidate’s email will not show up as a recipient of previous Mass Mailings they received.
* Note: this enhancement affects both S Release and Novo.
- costCenter Value Transfer (Job Order > Placement): The value from the ‘costCenter’ field now transfers directly from the Job Order record to the Placement record.
- I.e., If the costCenter value in a job order was listed as Professional Staffing – Northeast, the same value will be brought over to the costCenter field of the placement record made from this job.
Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync
VMS Sync
- ARMI Integration: A new email-only integration has been added for the ARMI VMS.
- GrapeTree updated to Contingent Talent Management VMS: All existing “GrapeTree” VMS integrations have been updated to “Contingent Talent Management” as the more universal name for the VMS technology. There is now more support for other buyers in the CTM system.
VMS Sync Admin Tools
- Staffbot VMS: Update Credential Requirements: Streamlined required fields for new Staffbot VMS integrations.
For a complete look at September’s product updates, please visit the full release notes.