
Understanding the Bullhorn Partner Ecosystem

What is the Bullhorn Partner Ecosystem? What’s the difference between marketplace partners and developer partners? Start to hear to find all the answers to your marketplace questions.

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Your Guide to the Different Types of Marketplace Categories

Don’t know where to start when looking for Bullhorn Marketplace Partners? This guide will walk you through every marketplace category, what they are, and why they matter to your staffing firm.

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3 Ways to Win More Talent with Partners

Want your firm to stand out and win more business? One of our marketplace partners shares some useful ways to win more talent and gain a competitive edge.

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How to Measure Success with Marketplace Partners

How can you determine the ROI on a marketplace investment? Here are three ways to measure the value of a prospective partner solution.

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10 Questions to Ask During a Partner Demo

What should you ask during a partner demo? Start with this checklist.

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Top Considerations When Choosing an ATS Integration

What actually matters when choosing an integration? Start with these questions.

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Your Guide to Good (Technology) Housekeeping

It’s hard to stay on top of all of the technology that recruitment companies can leverage to stay ahead of their competition. Bullhorn’s Alliances team reviews hundreds of new solutions annually to help keep you up-to-date with the recruitment technology trends. This guide will give you some recommendations of technologies you should consider as good technical “housekeeping”.

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