The Importance of Compliance to Complex Employment Laws

Australia has some of the most complex and convoluted employment laws in the world; often resulting in problems for both employers and employees, including contingent and temporary staff. Even for most seasoned HR professionals, drafting contracts for new hires or even amending those of existing employees can be a herculean task.
With the new Amendment Acts introduced this year, we are finding that more and more businesses are struggling to meet compliance demands. In fact, the in-depth knowledge required of these Acts and Legislation has prompted some businesses to even question the benefit in investing in Legislative Compliance.
What is Legislative Compliance?
In its simplest form, legislation compliance aims to ensure that activities of every business are undertaken within the parameters of the law. Adherence to employment law sees to protect the safety, health, and welfare of employees, contractors, and even employers themselves.
Suffice it to say, the bigger your business, the more complex compliance becomes.
Why Legislative Compliance Matters for Your Recruitment Agency
Non-compliance comes at a high cost and it puts your business at risk. It’s important to set that record straight right from start.
At a glance, the most obvious consequences of non-compliance are:
- Damage to business reputation
- Monetary fines and penalties
- Lawsuits and prosecution
- Imprisonment
- Suspension of licenses carried
- Business closure
Our industry is at risk – whether we look at it from the perspective of Payroll Compliance, Workplace Health & Safety, Labour Hire Licensing, Privacy, or the Fair Work Act.
Payroll compliance alone is a mountainous task. There is nothing quite as risky as incorrectly compensating your temporary or contingent worker. Notwithstanding employers’ superannuation obligations, our industry payroll areas are heavily regulated and are made even more complex when considering your businesses compliance.
How to Navigate Legislative Compliance
When hiring an employee – whether permanent, contingent or temp – it is critical to determine which Employment Awards and Acts apply. Drafting employment contracts is a tricky task and it is imperative, for the safety and protection of your business, that it is fully compliant.
At™, we manage all of the modern awards, client EBA’s and collective agreements for our clients’ businesses; simplifying the process of calculating rates for all employment types, ensuring that nothing is ever overlooked.
Our system has a built-in hierarchical capability to manage margins and other business expenses at both the user and client level, therefore, protecting your business against any other potential mistakes.
Complying with legislation will keep your business legally responsible and running smoothly. Talk to™ and learn more about how we can help.
About Col: Col Levander FRCSA has over 30 years’ experience in the services, recruitment and on-hire industry and in technology. Col started his recruitment career at an entry level consulting role and progressed to Branch, State, Regional and National roles in Operations and Sales working for small niche businesses, National companies and Global organisations. Col has also started, built and grown four recruitment agencies over this time. In 2010, Col turned his hands on experience in recruitment to his passion with technology where he identified value in providing an informed technology conversation with real life “Best Practice” experience in the recruitment market sector. Col continues to innovate and the launch of is a new beginning in a myriad of software solutions his company Rec Tech solutions will be bringing to market in years to come.
Check out, 5 Acts and Legislation Recruitment Professionals Need to Know to learn more about the key legislation affecting the Australian Recruitment Industry.