Improving Candidate Experience: Exploring the Disconnect Between Goals and Approaches

As modern day consumers and professionals, we have adapted to the many day-to-day encounters that have been improved by technology. Experience has taught us that applying a tech-based solution to a traditionally manual task, will add efficiency and reliability.
The same principles can be applied to our professional lives, where we are increasingly adopting tech-based solutions in order to streamline tasks and improve the service we deliver.
In recruitment, that service centres on people and, indeed, a recruiter’s worth is often determined by their ability to build human relationships with talent. But today’s best talent expects more from a recruiter than they can offer with manual, resource-heavy processes – a digital shake-up is needed.
Why is This a Problem?
The nature of traditional recruitment processes means that skilled recruiters spend more time completing admin-heavy tasks than they do utilising their best asset – human experience.
The tide has turned in the labour market and now more than ever candidates have the luxury of choice when it comes to identifying a preferred employer. The power is no longer in recruiters hands, and they are increasingly competing to attract the best people for clients.
Ask any recruiter today and they’ll undoubtedly list candidate experience as a focus for their team. In fact, 31 per cent of the recruiters recently surveyed by Bullhorn, listed it as a top three priority for 2018.
However, while candidates have taken centre stage, in many cases the processes adopted during the recruitment journey does nothing to add to the experience they have. This can lead to:
- Lost talent – traditionally manual approaches slow down the recruitment process and can lead candidates to look elsewhere. Xref research found that 41 per cent of HR and recruitment professionals admit to losing talent due to delays caused by traditional recruitment methods.
- A damaged reputation – each candidate will have a network of contacts, who could all also represent future potential placements, but a bad experience can quickly filter through networks and damage a recruiters reputation
What Can You Do?
First impressions count to candidates and as much as they may be excited about the role they’re being put forward for, recruiters must also demonstrate that an appreciation for the candidate’s time.
But, although the industry realises that tech-based, automated solutions could help to improve the experience they offer, according to the Bullhorn survey, 47% see tech and automation as one of the top three challenges they face. Add to this the fact that only 17% rated it as a top three priority for 2018, and it becomes clear that even though the appetite to improve candidate experience is there, some uncertainty surrounds the adoption of tech-based solutions.
So how can you put the candidate experience first? Automated solutions can effectively combine the human touch with tech smarts.
Want to Find Out How?
On Thursday, 23rd August Xref and Bullhorn will be hosting a joint webinar to discuss the findings of Bullhorn’s 2018 Australian Recruitment Trends Report and Xref’s 2017 Recruitment Risk Index: Industry Perspective Report, as well as sharing broader recruitment trends insights.
The Changing Recruitment Landscape: How to Overcome Today’s Key Challenges
Register today to hear about:
- Overcoming a skills deficit – using automation to find talent in new places
- Recruitment revival – embracing automated HR to couple human experience with tech smarts
- Candidate experience – happy candidates are key to hiring success, and require a consistent, transparent and secure recruitment process
Interested to learn more? Register now as Xref and Bullhorn host a joint webinar to discuss the changing recruitment landscape.