4 Tips for Writing Job Descriptions That Attract Millennials


There’s no doubt that writing perfect job descriptions makes your life as a recruiter a whole lot easier.

But with the Millennial generation now making up a vast proportion of your job-seeking audience, how do you write a winning ad that’s guaranteed to get the attention of Gen Y?

Follow our simple tips to create job descriptions that Millennials will love.

Aiming to appeal to Millennials? Go beyond the job details and focus on what matters to them.

A bland list of ‘copy-and-paste’ job duties will do little to entice this inspired group of applicants, who tend to be far more interested in the kind of environment on offer from the potential role.

Use your recruitment ad to get them excited about the company and its culture – what’s special about it and makes it stand out from the crowd? What kind of workplace can they expect from their new 9-to-5, and what type of co-workers will they be sharing an office with?

For the Millennial generation, it’s all about the “bigger picture” – paint it for them in vivid colour and you’ll be sure to grab their attention.

When it comes to job roles, finding “the right fit” is high on the list of Millennial priorities, which means personality is key.

Rather than simply focusing on the required skillset of your position, turn your attention to the personality traits of the ideal candidate – their interests, values, hobbies, and passions.

By making your job ad about personality attributes rather than generic skills, you’re more likely to strike a chord with applicants who fit the bill – and when they see themselves in your enticing description, they’ll be clicking the “Apply” button in no time.

Millennials love to be engaged in a two-way conversation with brands – and what better way to do that than with questions?

Featuring the right questions in your job description can increase engagement levels while challenging applicants and making them really think about what you’re asking.

This snippet from a job ad by Allstate Insurance is a great example of engaging a Millennial audience with conversational questions:

“Do you thrive on competition? Does seeing your name at the top of a list make your day? Are you the type of person who makes small talk with others in a queue? Are you excited to learn about others’ lives?”

By inviting candidate interaction, you’re far more likely to attract attention and keep candidates reading your ad.

Time-poor and with ever-decreasing attention spans, Millennials are not impressed by lengthy, text-heavy job ads.

Keep it short and cover only the most valuable, need-to-know details – the ones that will pique candidate interest and leave them eager to learn more.

Think bullet points, sub-headings and attention-grabbing elements like bolded text that make it easy to skim-read and still take in the key info.

Also, keep in mind that your Millennial audience are likely to be reading your ad on a mobile device, and nobody likes endless scrolling. So ditch the waffle and stay focused on the points that matter.

Next time you’re struggling to come up with the perfect job description, take on board our quick tips for an ad that stands out for the Millennial crowd.


Want to read more about Millenials? Recent workplace satisfaction data has uncovered what Millenials are looking for in their next role. Read more about it on our blog: Millenial Data Provides a Glimpse into the Future of Employment.

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