Create Remarkable Recruitment Content: 5 Tips

recruitment content

Content marketing is a hot topic in the field of marketing, and it has become an essential part in recruitment as well. What’s the power of content marketing and how can you realise a successful approach? Here are five tips for outstanding content.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the art of distributing customised content relevant to potential candidates, at the exact right time, in the exact right place. As a recruitment agency, a key content marketing goal is to attract the right candidates, captivate them, and commit them to your agency. Content marketing is most successful when you develop a relationship with your target group. But how do you establish such a relationship?

5 tips for remarkable online content

As a recruitment agency, you have a lot of interesting information and valuable advice that would be of use to your candidates.  How do you ensure you are not overlooked? How will your message catch the attention of those you aim to reach. There is so much content available on the internet, so how to make your message stand out?

Ensure people can find you online

Sounds obvious, right? But a lot of great content is simply not found on the internet. Get involved with the actions of your target audience. Speak the same language. Know where your target audience is active and where and how they search for their information. Optimise your websites accordingly, and train yourself in the importance of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Be accessible for mobile devices. Also, deploy both paid and unpaid channels to promote your content. The more your content is shared, the more likely you’ll be found on Google.

Choose the right title

The internet contains loads of interesting articles and contributions. How do you ensure your message stands out in this enormous pile of information? First of all, think of a smashing title. A title that attracts attention and impels curiosity. One that strikes and straightly discloses what you offer. Don’t write a title that promises more than your article actually deliver. You will irrevocably disappoint your reader, and suffer negative consequences for your employer brand.

Use video, graphics, and illustrations

How do you provoke your target group and rouse their attention in a few seconds? This can among others be done by employing visual content. With appealing graphics, videos and other information, you are able to attract the attention in the mass of information on the internet. Did you know that 65 percent of people are visual learners? More than 90 percent of all communication flows along nonverbal lines. Moreover, our brain processes visual content faster and recalls it better than words. Visual content increases the chance that visitors will read your messages, stay longer on your website, and share your content via social media. On top of that, visual content enlarges the online findability of your message.

Reuse your content

Did you manage to create valuable content? Then you should obviously utilise it to the fullest. Try to share that one message in various ways, in different formats, and on multiple channels. This has numerous advantages. It is efficient, it reinforces your message, enlarges your visibility, and reaches your target audience on various levels.

Think about a clear-cut call to action

Think strategically about the purpose of your content. What do you want your audience of candidates or clients to do after reading a piece that you’ve created? In your call to action, you can invite your target group to respond, download an article, visit your career site, or stop by on an open day. Choose one clear call to action and create an easy path for the user to follow. Don’t send out overly commercial or blatant messages. Remember, content marketing is all about building relationships.

Want more tips to help you engage candidates? Check out the candidate engagement toolkit for the best times to contact candidates and eight other great resources designed to help you find and engage candidates.

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