How Can You Use Feedback to Provide a Better Candidate Experience?

How do recruitment agencies use candidate satisfaction to improve their candidate experience? The simple, worrisome answer is that they don’t—less than half of all surveyed recruitment pros measure candidate satisfaction at all. This means no online surveys, no net promoter scores, no phone interviews, no monitoring of social media feedback. And this is a real shame because a bad candidate experience is bad for business.
If you are measuring candidate satisfaction—and again, you really should be—how can you actually use it to make a positive change? We asked over 1400 recruitment professionals to share their methods for incorporating candidate feedback. These are the themes that appeared most consistently:

How does your business use candidate satisfaction feedback to improve the candidate experience?
The majority of recruitment pros don’t measure candidate satisfaction or have no formal method for implementing it into their business. But those that do have found it to be an essential way to better their business. Here are some of their best responses:
Want to improve your candidate experience through data? Check out 3 Ways Data Can Fuel Your Candidate Engagement Strategy.