How Bullhorn Helps Your Business Conquer the Age of the Customer


Once upon a time, not so long ago, we lived in the Age of the Seller. Businesses controlled their products and services, as well as all the information customers received about these offerings. The customer would take that information and make buying decisions accordingly. But times have changed.

We’ve moved into the Age of the Customer. The seller still controls its product or service, but the customer is in the driver’s seat regarding product information. Technology has given customers unfettered access to whatever product information they require – both positive and negative – and the seller no longer governs what they learn. The buying decision is now firmly in the customer’s hands.

The customer experience is also vital to the success of any business operating in the Age of the Customer. There’s a four-step life cycle to this:

  1. Win your client.
  2. Nurture your client.
  3. Retain your client.
  4. Enjoy business stability and growth through reputation.

Bullhorn is here to help you conquer each step with every single one of your customers. Here’s how:

  • Winning the client

Bullhorn CRM is designed for humans. Right from the first point of contact, at lead stage, you can start feeding client information into the system and adding to it as you get to know each other better. The more data you gain, the better you will understand your potential client and its needs. Such knowledge will help you to know when to add that personal touch, making sure your company stands out from the crowd. With Bullhorn, you will move forward with confidence and win that new business.

  • Nurturing the client

At Bullhorn, we understand that relationships drive your business. Just like anyone else, customers don’t like to be left waiting. Quick response times are key to building strong relationships and making your clients feel valued. Bullhorn Mobile keeps you in constant contact with your clients no matter your time zone or location. Your customers will appreciate such consistent contact ability.


  • Retaining the client

Bullhorn Pulse is the tool that will keep your customers in the fold. It monitors the health of your relationships in real-time, giving you the advantage of deeper relationship insight. Pulse tells you the best time to connect with your clients and gauges customer sentiment, urging you to take action should that sentiment ever drop a notch. With Pulse, you can anticipate customer needs and conversations, engaging your clients more fully than ever before.  

  • Business growth

By winning, nurturing, and retaining your clients successfully, your business will grow through both stability and reputation. There’s no happier moment than when customers recommend you and your services because they’re enjoying the positive customer experience you (and Bullhorn) provide.

Bullhorn products embrace the Age of the Customer, so you can too. To find out more about how Bullhorn can help you keep your customers smiling, click here to book a live demo.

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