Support Tip: Why Should You Use Bullhorn’s Automatic Resume Parser?

You’re likely sent dozens of resumes—or more—each week, and sifting through every resume you receive and parsing them into Bullhorn can be a job within itself. There are plenty of factors to consider with each resume:
- Is this the first resume you’ve received from the candidate?
- Is the candidate updating the resume you have on file?
- Is the candidate in your Bullhorn database?
- How is the candidate sending you their resume? Via LinkedIn? Email? Through the actual mail system?
While Bullhorn makes parsing resumes easy, doing it on a one-by-one basis can eat through a lot of time. That’s where our Automatic Resume Parser comes into play.
How does the Automatic Resume Parser work?
Bullhorn’s Automatic Resume Parser streamlines the process by giving you one place to send all of the resumes that your company receives. No longer will you have to worry if it’s the first or seventh resume you’re receiving from the candidate or if they already exist in your database. The parser always first checks your database for an existing candidate record and will attach the new resume to their existing record on the Files tab. If the candidate does not have a record in Bullhorn, the parser will pull information to create a new candidate record and set the candidate’s status to New Lead.

When enabling the Automatic Resume Parser, Bullhorn Support will ask you to provide an email address that is dedicated to receiving resumes. They’ll then configure the parser to work with the email address you provide so that any resume sent to it will be added into Bullhorn. For best results, emails containing only resume attachments should be sent to the email address you provide to Bullhorn Support. This is because the parser attempts to parse everything it receives, including the body of the email, regardless of whether it’s a resume or not.
Using the Automatic Resume Parser with Integrated Job Boards
The Automatic Resume Parser can also be used in conjunction with many of our job publishing options, including the Open Source Career Portal, Monster, CareerBuilder, and others. When a candidate applies through a job board you’ve integrated with Bullhorn and set up for responses to be sent to your resume email address, their resume is parsed into your database and submitted to the job as a Web Response.

Managing the Automatic Resume Parser
All candidates added through the parser will be added with a status of New Lead with “Unassigned User” as the owner. Because of this, it’s important to review the parser to make sure that emails are parsing correctly and that you’re updating the owner and status. Depending on the volume of resumes you’re sent, we recommend reviewing your Parsing Results about once a week.
Bullhorn Support is able to designate who can view Parsing Results. Once you have access, you can open Parsing Results from your Tools menu.

Once open, you’ll want to choose the Automatic Resume Parser user from the Selected User drop-down.

This will bring up all emails sent to the parser. From here, you can review what parsed successfully and can take action if something didn’t. To make it easy, you can even filter by the Parse Status:
- Successful – The resume parsed successfully.
- In Progress – The resume is in the process of being parsed.
- Pending – If your resume email address receives a lot of emails, you may see this status. Check back later or refresh to see what the status changes to after this.
- Unsuccessful – The resume did not parse. This can be due to a number of reasons:
- The resume file is too small or the incorrect file type.
- The email doesn’t contain a resume.
If the parser ever fails to parse a resume, you’ll need to re-parse it. From your Parsing Results, check the box next to the resume you want to re-parse. Then open the Selected drop-down and choose ReParse.

You can also filter your Candidate list for candidates owned by the parser user. This allows you to see recently parsed candidates so you can update the record ownership, as well as add any missing information.

The Automatic Resume Parser is a great solution to add candidates quickly into your database. While you’ll need to monitor the parsing results occasionally, you’re still saving valuable time by avoiding parsing resumes one-by-one.
Want to set up an Automatic Resume Parser or need access to the Parsing Results? Contact Bullhorn Support for assistance.