Was sind die wichtigsten Trends der Personalbranche für 2020? Nehmen Sie an der Umfrage teil

Are you active in the personnel and recruiting industry? If so, we want to hear from you!
We started our annual survey among global HR managers. Every year we ask professionals like you to share what is most important for companies like yours in the coming year. The results will show how your peers view the industry, what they see as their top priorities and challenges for 2020, and how they think about current issues that will shape the future of recruitment.
Take a few minutes (less than 10) to share your insights , and when the results are released in early 2020, you will be among the first to see and discover how your insights compare to others in your industry . You also have the chance to win one of 30 gift vouchers!
Some of the questions we will answer for the coming year:
- What are the main priorities and challenges that companies will face in 2019?
- How do personnel service providers deal with the lack of talent?
- How do HR managers and recruiting professionals feel about AI and automation?
- What big ideas will companies have to look out for in the coming year?
We will use your answers to present some of the key findings and trends for the coming year. So you can see what companies like yours will focus on in 2020, global and local trends to consider, opportunities your company can use to grow your business, and more.
As a refresher, read on for some of the key discoveries from last year’s survey. You can also access all of our original studies – including new reports that we add year-round on our Recruiting Trends: Insights and Data website .
The top trends for personnel and recruitment for 2019
HR managers who started in 2019 with the most optimistic outlook in the history of our annual trend report. Expectations for sales, profitability and placements exceeded expectations for 2018. Many persistent issues in recent years have shaped the outlook: recruitment professionals are still concerned about the lack of talent, so most respondents tried to recruit candidates and interact with them to improve.
Top priorities
A focus of recruiting dominated the priorities of recruiters in 2019 – finding applicants, recruiting applicants and engaging applicants. We assume that this will also be the case for 2020. Other top priorities? The digital transformation to improve their operations, develop their personal brand and improve their marketing strategies, and work on how they shape relationships with their customers.

Top issues: diversity, economy and AI
Respondents largely agree: Recruiters need to adapt to digital change, employers need to accelerate wage increases, and retraining applicants is critical. Diversity and inclusion were by far the most controversial issue, with respondents equally divided over whether the industry had a diversity problem. For 2020 we will delve further into this topic.

Read all results from last year here . To gain similar insights and help your company prepare for the coming year, take the 2020 survey today!
We are happily looking forward to hearing from you. Share your opinion today!