Mit Ihrem ATS/CRM die Produktivität des Homeoffice steigern: so funktioniert es

An increasing number of personnel service providers have already successfully implemented a remote strategy to reduce their costs and increase productivity. But the Covid-19 pandemic is making a fear-driven attempt to use remote work across the human resources industry. Recruiters are adapting to make the health and safety of their employees a top priority, and many of them are looking for the best way to maintain normal productivity and efficiency under the new home office regulations.
In most HR companies, management teams are working to define and implement their business continuity plans in the current home office environment. It may not be the best time to introduce too many new workflows and processes, but it is certainly the right time to get your acquisition system (ATS / CRM) going to ensure the optimization of ongoing workflows and processes. Organizations that do this will benefit from improved home office productivity.
Below you will find three tips for your HR company to make the most of your ATS / CRM in the remote work phase.
1) Keep the status of your data up to date:
Regardless of whether it concerns data records for jobs, candidates or customers: make sure that their status is up to date. Most companies already have a thorough data maintenance with current status, but while your team is working remotely, this is all the more important. You will undoubtedly benefit greatly from using your CRM as a reliable and only source of information for your teams. Accordingly, all users, whether they are your recruiters or account managers, should ensure that they:
- Check the status of customers and candidates for correctness, which are part of the organization’s workflow
- Close places that are actually not open
- Update the status of all vacancies to verify that they:
- Accept candidates
- Are covered
- Are on hold
2) Effective use of „hotlists“ for cooperation and prioritization
Most ATS / CRM systems for the personnel industry offer the possibility to group job, candidate or customer contacts in „hotlists“. You define the criteria for this yourself and can share it with other users or use it privately. When all of your users work from home, these hotlists can promote efficient communication, collaboration, and prioritization.
Example of use:
- Your recruitment and sales team leads can use hotlists to set daily priorities for their teams.
- Your account managers and recruiters can use hotlists with contacts or candidates to achieve their daily contact goals.
3) Use reports and analysis for expectations management
Zwar nutzen die meisten Personalfirmen irgendeine Form der Berichterstattung/Analyse, um verschiedene Bereiche ihres Unternehmens zu erfassen, doch angesichts der aktuellen Homeoffice-Anforderungen kann es vorteilhaft sein, Ihr Reporting-Tool für die Überwachung und Verwaltung der täglichen Aktivitäten und Erwartungen der Mitarbeiter einzusetzen. Solche Berichte können Ihren Recruitern und Sales Teams maßgeschneidertes und einfühlsames Feedback liefern, das ihnen dabei hilft, sich an ihre neue und in vielen Fällen ungewohnte Homeoffice-Umgebung anzupassen.
In diesen schwierigen Zeiten haben Management Teams alle Hände voll zu tun und eine gut ausgeführte ATS/CRM-Optimierungsstrategie kann eine große Stütze für ihre Mitarbeiter sein, die Kommunikation, Zusammenarbeit und Priorisierung aufzubauen. Letztlich werden so in der derzeitigen unsicheren Lage ihre Produktivität und Effizienz aufrechterhalten (oder sogar gesteigert).
About the author: Aparna Bagri, founder of Datavine, is a senior leader and technology expert with more than 20 years of work experience. As a technology fan, Aparna is always open to discussing, learning and sharing innovative strategies that companies in the human resources, recruitment and workforce industries use to support their goals, people, culture and processes. Feel free to send her a contact request on LinkedIn .