Build with Billy: Follow Up On Sendout Taking Too Long

Are you interested in reducing your submission sales cycle? Do you want a way to boost candidate experience significantly? Do you want to be more efficient, productive, and ultimately make more money? Recruitment automation can help.
With this recruitment automation, you can identify client sendouts/submittals in your system that haven’t received feedback in a certain amount of time and notify the Job/Client Owner and/or the recruiter that submitted the Candidate so they can follow up. You can even include messages to the Client and Candidate involved to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Use the steps below to reduce your submission sales cycle, boost candidate/client experience, and make money faster with Bullhorn Automation.
Follow Up On Sendout Taking Too Long with Recruitment Automation
Follow these steps:
- Click Add Automation and select ‘Submission-based.’
- Name your automation. Maybe something like ‘Follow Up on Send Out Taking Too Long.’ Click Save.
- Automation Enrollment will automatically open. Click ‘Create New List.’
- Under List Settings, select ‘Always Updated’ as the type of list and then name your list.
- Enter your search criteria using the dropdown under ‘Total number of submissions that match this search.’ Your search criteria should be:
- ‘Submission Status’ is ‘Client Sendout’
- Specify ‘After’ a given date. In this example, Billy uses June 1, 2020.
- Click Save under List Settings, then click Save under Automation Enrollment.
- Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Select ‘Add Wait’ to add a wait step. Here, Billy selects 3 days. This ensures the automation will take into account candidates who you just submitted.
- Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Click ‘Send Notification.’
- Select ‘Immediate’ and ‘From Template’ to create your notification and have it sent immediately once the 3-day threshold is crossed. You can route this notification to the Submission Owner, Job owner, or anyone else who you’d like to notify.
- Give your notification a subject line and choose who it is being sent to. Click Save.
- Here is where you customize the message of the notification, including merge tags that pull in Client contact information or other merge tokens that could include Candidate, Sales, Submission, or other essential data.
- Click the ← button next to the newsletter name at the top of the page.
- Under ‘Add New Step,’ you can create an automated text or email to update the Candidate that you are still waiting for feedback from the Client.
- Billy creates a few additional notifications in the video, but you can create as many as you’d like.
The great thing about creating Submission-based automations is that each submission that matches this will flow through, so even if a candidate falls into this scenario later on in their lifecycle, it will be for a unique submission so that submission will automatically flow through.
Recommendation: if you are sending an email or text message, utilize the Send Window feature under Automation Settings. This ensures that if you submit a candidate on a Friday, the notification won’t automatically send that following Monday since there hasn’t been enough time for the Client to review the Candidate properly.
Build This Recruitment Automation:
Watch the video below to see Billy Davis build the automation for you: