Support Tip: Searching With Fast Find

Did you know there are a number of fields you can search by with Bullhorn Fast Find?
Your Bullhorn database contains valuable information about your candidates, clients, contacts, and more. Accessing these records quickly is vital to providing a positive experience both internally and externally. So, how can you search through your records more efficiently to find the information you need?
The quickest way to find a specific record in your database is with Bullhorn Fast Find, which is located in the upper-left corner of your Bullhorn window. To use Fast Find, you’ll need to select the Find icon and then type your search criteria in the text field.
You can type the full name into Bullhorn Fast Find to find a specific record. If you just know the last name, all you need to do is type the name into Fast Find. The system will always assume this is the last name:

To search by a first name, add an asterisk:

You can search parts of names:

Other Bullhorn Fast Find Search Criteria
As well as searching people’s names, you can search off of other criteria in Bullhorn Fast Find. These are:
- ID number
- 10 digit phone number
- Full email address
- Billing phone number (Company records)
- The company in the Existing company field (Lead records)
- Job Records:
- The name of the Company or Contact tied to the Job (Open Jobs)
- The first few letters of the Job, Company, or Contact (Open Jobs)
- The ID number of the job (Open and Closed Jobs)
- Placement Records:
- The name of the Job, Candidate, Company, or Contact tied to the Placement
- The first few letters of the Job, Candidate, Company, or Contact tied to the Placement