Why Doesn’t Your Relationship Management Software Help You Build Relationships?

Our most successful salespeople are the ones who build great client relationships. They always seem to have their finger on the pulse of their clients. They know when to reach out, what their clients need, and who the right person is to engage with their clients in every situation. At some point we’ve all thought to ourselves, “If only all my salespeople could build relationships like [great salesperson].” Isn’t it time that your relationship management software helps salespeople to better understand their clients and build solid client relationships? Below are three ways that relationship management software should help your sales team to cultivate successful client relationships.
- On-Time Communication – There is a fine line between attentiveness to a client’s needs and overbearing communication. All salespeople strive to find the utopic time of day when a client is checking messages and will see their note right at the top of his or her inbox. An effective CRM should provide direction on the best day and time to send communication to each client contact.
- Understanding Client Health – Issues rarely bubble to the surface until they become massive fires. Many salespeople spend hours fighting fires in an all-out effort to resolve client issues that have been brewing for months. Clients are continually giving subtle signs that they have issues through their engagements with your company. These insights should be brought forth by your relationship management software so that your sales team has the opportunity to get ahead of the blaze.
- Leveraging the Team – Every day, clients interact with a variety of team members within your company, and they’re building meaningful relationships with your clients. However, your salespeople might be unaware of the fantastic relationship that a support representative (let’s call her “Jill”) has with a given client. Clients are loyal to your brand because of their relationships with people like Jill. How great would it be if your sales team knew all about Jill’s great relationships with their clients and could bring her in during key moments with client contacts?
Relationships are the growth driver for your business. We have reached the point where your relationship management software should make every salesperson into an all-star relationship builder. Bullhorn’s cloud-based CRM can do just that. Want to learn more? Contact us today to learn how we can help you take your relationship building to the next level.