AI 101
Understanding automation, AI, and generative AI in the staffing industry
From news headlines to technology reports, you’ve likely seen the buzz surrounding AI and its impact on our daily lives.
What is an AI recruiting tool?
In today’s ever-changing staffing landscape, where talent acquisition is both an art and a science, the role of technology has become increasingly pivotal.
Understanding staffing AI
Research: Artificial intelligence in the staffing industry
Everyone is talking about how artificial intelligence will revolutionize the staffing industry.
7 ways AI will revolutionize recruiting
AI is the buzzword of the day in many industries, including staffing.
Using AI to improve your staffing firm’s SEO
AI has been all the rage in recent months, and the buzz isn’t letting up any time soon.
IDR’s AI Journey
Why IDR partnered with Copilot to jumpstart their journey with staffing AI
Adopting AI
Prepare your business for AI adoption: Essential steps for success
Ready to roll out AI in your business?
Getting started with AI
Everyone is talking about generative AI and the long-term vision for how it can transform the staffing industry.
5 steps to successfully implementing AI in staffing
The wave of AI-driven transformation in staffing is still taking shape, but AI is already having an impact on the recruitment process, recruiter and salesperson productivity, and the candidate and client experience.
Bullhorn’s approach to AI
Exploring AI: A Conversation with Matt Fischer and Jason Heilman
Bullhorn’s Matt Fischer, President and COO, and Jason Heilman, SVP of Product, for the first installment in a new AI educational series, Exploring AI.
3 things to know about AI now to prepare for future success
This newsletter comes to you from Jason Heilman, SVP of Product at Bullhorn, and highlights the recent webinar, Exploring AI: A Conversation with Matthew Fischer and Jason Heilman.
Exploring AI: Succeed with Sourcing
The wave of AI-driven transformation in staffing is still taking shape, but AI is already having an impact on the recruitment process, recruiter and salesperson productivity, and the candidate and client experience.
How AI is transforming the sourcing process
This newsletter comes to you from Jason Heilman, SVP of Product at Bullhorn, and highlights the recent webinar “Exploring AI: Succeed with sourcing” with Matthew Fischer and Jason Heilman.
Start small, win big: Staffing and AI in 2024 (with insights from IDR & Allen Recruitment)
This newsletter comes to you from Jason Heilman, SVP of Product at Bullhorn, and highlights the recent webinar “Exploring AI: Preparing your business” with Matthew Fischer and Jason Heilman.
Exploring AI episode 4 recap
Bullhorn Copilot
Accelerate your business with the power of AI
AI technology is changing the game for industries everywhere, and Bullhorn is dedicated to building a solution that drives the staffing industry forward.
Bullhorn’s AI solution, Copilot, is now available
At Engage Boston 2023, we introduced the concept of leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout the recruitment process for things like drafting messages and pitching candidates.
What to consider when choosing an LLM
Copilot is here, and our customers are already hitting the ground running with staffing AI.