Support Tip: Managing Contact and Company Records

Keeping track of Companies and their associated Contacts can be time-consuming. It’s a lot of manual work to track which companies you work with, the contacts you keep in touch with, contacts that switch companies, companies that are purchased by other companies, and so on. Bullhorn makes it easy to keep your data up-to-date and handle any situation involving Contact and Company record management!
Archiving a Company
Company records are the one type of record you cannot delete, although we recommend archiving records rather than deleting them. Archiving a record allows you to retain all relevant information in case you want to access it in the future and still maintain the integrity of your database. This is particularly useful for companies who have gone out of business.
To archive a Company, open the Company record and from the Actions drop-down select Change Status. From your Status options, choose Archive and then Save.

How Company Ownership is Determined
Because our relationships with companies rely on how we interact with their associated contacts, company ownership is determined by who owns the contacts at the company. You may notice that a company has multiple owners if the contacts are owned by different users.

Secondary Owners on Contacts and any owners on Contacts with a status of Archive will also be listed as Company Owners. So if you see Owners on the Company record you can’t find on the Contacts, don’t worry! Check for archived Contact records and make sure the Secondary Owners field is unhidden in your field mappings.
Parent/Child Companies
You can link related companies by creating parent-child company relationships between the owner company and its subsidiaries. Was one of the companies you work with acquired by another company? Parent-child relationships in Bullhorn are particularly helpful and will allow you to continue accurately tracking information on both the Child Company record as well as the new Parent Company record.

Locations Feature
With Bullhorn’s Locations feature, you gain the ability to manage different worksites, billing, and “sold to” sites for your clients. Adding the appropriate locations to a Company record will help streamline your own back office operations and protect your data integrity. Adding and managing locations is easy to do! You can find details on our Locations feature in the Bullhorn Community.
By leveraging the tools available for Contact and Company records in Bullhorn, you’ll end up streamlining your workflow, allowing for more accurate data and reporting, and saving yourself precious time and effort. For more information, check out the Bullhorn Community!