December 2022 Product Updates and Enhancements

Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the December 2022 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.
Missed the product updates last month? Check out the November 2022 release highlights while you’re here.
Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM
- Filter on DateTime Fields: Users are now able to filter the Date and Time for the DateTime fields in Advanced Search.
- Blank and Empty Search in Advanced Search: Users are now able to search on blank or empty field types within Advanced Search.
S Release
- Add Task and Add New Submission Template Tabs: The “Add Task Template” and “Add Submission Template” pages were localized to support our international customers’ user experience.
- Manage Task Template and Manage Add Submission Template Table Headers: The “Manage Task Template” and ” Manage Add Submission Template” pages were localized to support our international customers’ user experience.
Bullhorn Automation Product Updates
- New Blueprint Categories and Advanced Blueprint Category Searching: Allows for more accurate categorization of current Blueprints and new ones in development. Also provides an updated way on searching multiple Categories at a time.
- New Stale Automation Hygiene Service: Disables automations that have not had activity within the past 60 days to improve system performance and ensure client application stays up to date.
Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync
VMS Sync
- Admin Tools CSS Update: New look and feel for VMS Sync Admin Tools provides users with a Bullhorn branded product experience.
- MPF Company Lookup Feature: New rule type atsSetCompanyByVmsField lets users set ATS Company based on VMS-ATS field matching.
VMS Sync Submittals
- PIXID – Submittal Form in French: French display option for Submit to VMS form. Provides ease of use for French-speaking clients.
- Comment Updates: Support added for Fieldglass/Beeline Candidate profile comments. Auto-adds VMS Candidate feedback as a BH Submission Note.
- Enhanced Onboarding Search Screens: The Search Contractors, Search Core Employees, and Search Pre-Hires Onboarding pages have been updated to allow searching by “Country”. When a user selects a country from the “Country” field, the “Work State/Province/County” field will then show the appropriate list of states, provinces, or counties depending upon the country that was selected.
- Date Formatting for Digital Signature: The digital signature date formatting that is being displayed to an Onboarder will reflect the date formatting of that Onboarder’s work Country.
Enhancements to Bullhorn’s Pay & Bill Functionality
- New Admin Canvas Standard Pay Bill Reports Package: A new version of the “Invoice Register” report will be included in the 2022.12 release. This version of an existing report allows invoices that are not yet finalized to be included on the report, which provides greater visibility to all invoices regardless of finalization status. (If existing clients would like to receive this report version, please speak with your Account Manager.)
For a complete look at December product updates, please visit the full release notes.