
Build with Confidence. Buy with Ease.

Build a first-in-class tech stack leveraging the Bullhorn Marketplace. Leap Consulting will support you in determining the desired functional and operational outcomes and the appropriate technology needed to make it happen. We believe technology powers your brand, reputation, culture, and mission. We help avoid the noise and execute on your most important opportunities. We help you buy intelligently and expeditiously.


Change with Excellence.

Technology acquisition is only part of the equation. Understanding old processes and new technology functionality and how one will impact the other is an essential part of the transformation experience. Leap Consulting will help you leverage out-of-the-box features and align them with desired outcomes. Business change management is an often overlooked part of implementing new technology. We align the configuration process with business process change management to deliver bespoke organizational communication plans, full implementations, and training plans.

We support small, mid-sized, and enterprise firms with a full digital transformation experience.


Technology never sleeps. Improve beyond transformation.

How do you maximize your digital transformation investment? Proper planning and alignment with your vendor partners. Leap Consulting will support your long-term goals with road mapping support, metric and KPI recommendations, hyper care post-implementation, and more to help every customer obtain a return on their technology investments.

Make the most of Bullhorn in every way, every day.

More about Lauren Jones

Lauren is a vocal advocate for elevating women and the creative voice behind the Top 25 Life Leadership Blogs: Goat Leadership. Lauren has been named Top 15 Staffing Professionals to watch in 2021, Power List of Top 200 Thought Influencers to watch in 2021. Lauren has been featured on almost every industry podcast from Settle, Smarter, You Own the Experience Podcast, Ivy Podcast, Staffing Hub, HR Lift Off, and more to share her passion for technology. Lauren has a regular segment on the You Own the Experience Podcast called #askLauren. Her LinkedIn vlog has grown her following by over 150% in 2020 with hashtag days like #technologytuesday and #womencrushwednesday as her most popular segments. Lauren gives generously to her community in time and resources to causes like NCL, St. John’s Program for Real Change, Mustard Seed, and more. Lauren has been the recipient of multiple staffing awards with the Staffing World ASA Care Award for service and participation in putting the brave men and women who have served our country back to work as a major highlight of her career. Lauren is a recent empty nester and proud mom to two powerhouse young lady leaders Emily & Allison. Lauren lives on a farm in Elk Grove, CA with her husband Peter.

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