The Recruitment CRM Shopping List

Choosing a new recruitment CRM is a major commitment – it’s rare we’re approached by a team that hasn’t done its research.

But it’s those companies who understand their recruitment workflows and are using the recruitment software switch to make improvements, which register the fastest ROI. Having detailed, workflow-oriented selection criteria and a long term tech strategy means once Bullhorn is live, customers register benefits sooner rather than later. A good example of this can be seen in IT recruitment specialist Venturi’s Bullhorn implementation. The agency soon reported a 25 per cent increase in month-on-month sales, and a 30 per cent decrease in the average time taken to fill job orders.

Here are three of the most important items that need to be on your CRM shopping list:

  1. Scalability

Investing in the growth of a business can really eat into profits, and increasing in size often requires expenditures that the company must grow into, such as larger office space or software in user bands of 50. Cost-per-seat software that can be switched on as and when staff are onboarded keeps unnecessary overheads to a minimum.

  1. Streamlined workflows

Top recruitment firms want their recruiters to use the most efficient routes to get from A to B. They spend time identifying profitable ways of working and encourage the team to adopt these processes. There is unavoidable administration in every role, but top firms look for savings of minutes in every action as this amounts to huge increases in productivity across the business – reducing CV data entry from five minutes to 90 seconds for example can save an agency up to £120,000 a year alone!

  1. Performance visibility

We’ve heard some reporting horror stories – out of date, conflicting reporting systems that don’t have much meaning or value for managers when it comes to recruitment strategy. Rich, real-time data can be pulled from Bullhorn and dissected using its reporting functionality. Apps like InsightSquared and cube19 further add to this functionality by enabling managers to visualise the impact of report findings and clearly identify areas for improvement.

To find the right recruitment software for your business, we’d always recommend coming armed with research and a shopping list of criteria – don’t be afraid to grill the contenders on how they’ll improve your workflows and enable cost-effective growth and improved efficiency.

And finally, always ask for a live demo and a test account – beware PowerPoint demonstrations.

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