How to Make More Money from Your Recruitment Software
Top earning recruiters using Bullhorn often turn out to be ‘super-users’ – in that they find the most efficient ways to use the software and generate as much revenue as possible from the system. Here are a few of the ways to use Bullhorn’s recruiting software more effectively.
Learn the shortcuts
Bullhorn super-users are both clever and time-conscious. They don’t want to do things the long way – it’s all about getting it done in as few clicks as possible.
Figuring out the shortcuts for tasks you carry out every day will save you buckets of clicks and loads of time in the long run.

Fast Find (see top left of Bullhorn) can be called upon for bringing up client and candidate records. Then, from here, you can add notes, create emails, tasks, appointments or view the files and email history anyone in your team has had with that person.
If you’re due for a refresher course in Bullhorn navigation, are gearing up to switch on Bullhorn S Release, or are joining Bullhorn for the first time, ask your trainer to point out all the shortcuts during your session.
Get integrated
It’s becoming a common problem in small to medium sized companies that employees are using a patchwork of cloud recruitment software to carry out their tasks. While each of these tools can be big time savers individually – when they don’t sync up it can be a nightmare. And that’s why we launched the Marketplace! Not only are all of these apps fully verified with Bullhorn (i.e. they work within our platform seamlessly), but they can be switched on quickly and easily, and you only deal with one customer support function if you have questions – as opposed to making five different calls!
Find out (and then do) what actually works
A lot of our super-users not only use Bullhorn efficiently, but have a finely tuned revenue machine based on real-time recruitment intelligence from their agencies. Bullhorn’s own extensive dashboards and portfolio of reports, combined with reporting and data visualisation tools from InsightSquared and cube19, help you mine Bullhorn for valuable business intelligence resulting in reports and graphs that show you which strategies and techniques are working and which aren’t.
The real trick is to use this information to inform onboarding so new starters hit the ground running and use the same techniques and approaches as your top performers. When Syntax Consultancy did this, one of their junior recruiters made a £7,000 placement in their first few days on the job.
Go mobile
Our Recruitment Trends reports reveal that it’s common to spend as much as ten per cent of your working day on the move – not to mention time spent commuting.
The ability to pull up candidate and client records when you’re on the way to, or at a meeting can help you move placements along more quickly – being tied to the office slows you down.
Play favourites
One of the best ways to save time is optimising your Bullhorn dashboard. Build a really well-organised dashboard with your most common candidate searches, reports, and client records alongside your tasklist, so you have the most valuable information at your fingertips at all times. Remember, if you minimise time spent on clicks then you maximise time spent on recruiting.

There’s no such thing as a stale CV
Set regular repeating tasks to check in with placed candidates – even if they’re from way back. Top earning recruiters play the long game when it comes to CVs – they don’t lose value over time. Within a few years candidates may be thinking about their next move – make sure you’re still on their radar.
So there are a few of the more common tips and tricks we hear about from our power users. But how does Bullhorn work for you? If you’re feeling generous then feel free to tweet us your tips: @bullhorn @bullhornUK @bullhornreach @bullhornAPAC