Ask a Customer: What’s Your Most Rewarding Moment with a Candidate or Client?

We love dishing out staffing advice—whether it’s how to best use Bullhorn or which KPIs you should use to measure your firm’s performance—but we’re not the only staffing experts in town. In fact, our customers are bonafide experts, too. In this series, we ask some of our most pressing questions to top staffing pros. See how to persuade your clients to increase candidate pay here.
How do you make your candidates and clients happy? It’s the million-dollar question—mastering candidate and client relationships dominates the list of top priorities for staffing professionals.
When you do actually succeed in making a client or candidate happy, though, there’s nothing better. In honor of thanksgiving, we asked Bullhorn customers to share the most memorable ‘thanks’ they’ve ever received from a client or candidate.
What’s the nicest or most memorable ‘thanks’ you’ve ever received from a client or candidate?
“I had a candidate invite me to go the the Goodwood Revival festival with them, as they were exhibiting their classic car there. It was an amazing day out!” — Darren Weeks
“Any thanks is memorable. It goes a long way in keeping me motivated.” — Marnie Pertsinidis
“The most memorable thanks I received was a Christmas card which included a photo of the candidate’s family. In the card, the candidate had written a thank you note explaining that he was able to give his family a wonderful Christmas this year because I helped him land his first job in Canada. It was very kind and rewarding.” — Christa Mancino
“My favorite placements are with newcomers to Canada, usually in great roles at the banks, one of my placements insisted on taking me to lunch at an Indian Restaurant to share her culture with me. She was pleased to find out I’m a huge fan of Indian food, and she gave me a lovely card calling me her Guardian Angel in Canada. It was years ago, but really makes you realize the impact we can have on other’s lives.” — Valerie Anderson
“A particular client is always so thankful for my helping him to navigate the complexities of our system. It’s so nice to hear! I help a lot of people and most say a quick thanks, but he goes above and beyond in his gratefulness. AND, he always tells me I’m funny.” — Jennifer Potter
“A simple acknowledgment on LinkedIn goes a long way. Anytime your hard work is reflected publicly only leads to more trust and better overall reputation.” — Gary Fiore
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