Webinar Breakdown: Meet the New Bullhorn Onboarding

What is an onboarding process and why is it so important to your business? In today’s tight job market, creating an incredible experience will cut down on lost candidates during the onboarding process. Emily Swartz, Bullhorn’s Product Marketing Manager, and Kat Cattini, Solutions Consultant, explain how to get ahead of your competition by improving the onboarding process through automation—which only 24% of agencies currently do.
Why Bullhorn Onboarding?
3:03: Key Differentiators of Bullhorn Onboarding
- Reduce Costs and Save Time
- Control Your Documents and Your Business
- Offer an Amazing Candidate Experience
4:05: How Onboarding Works Without Bullhorn
Don’t use onboarding currently? This is what your process probably looks like:
- Build document
- Attach to emails
- Email secure information
- Keep track of email responses
- Print and physically sign
- Deliver by hand
Emily explains which aspects of this process can be timely and therefore costly to a business, including back-and-forth email exchanges that result in delays or technical problems due to printing or manually delivering documents.
5:36: How Onboarding Works With Bullhorn
With Bullhorn Onboarding, the process looks entirely different:
- Scan/Build documents
- Send to candidate
- Candidate complete
- Manage in Bullhorn
Tedious steps are eliminated, documents are managed and delivered from directly within the onboarding platform, and candidates have their own portal which allows them to view and complete documents digitally. If a candidate needs to make any edits to their documents, they can always do so through their portal.
7:10: Improved Efficiency for Every Role
Whether you’re on the recruiting/sales team, operations, or a candidate yourself—Bullhorn Onboarding will increase your efficiency. Check out how:
- Easily monitor the status of candidate documents
- Quickly send documents and packets to candidates
- Search, view, and take actions right from the Onboarding platform
- Visualize entire pool of pre- or new hires
- Build and edit documents with improved Document Builder
- Easily track document status and store for editing or auditing
- Access online portal and view in preferred language
- Easily view and sign documents on the go
- Sign documents electronically using E-Signature
11:23: The New Onboarding Platform
We saw room for improvement with the first generation of Bullhorn Onboarding, and we think you’ll be pleased with the changes we’ve made to the platform. Emily walks us through a few of the changes, including an improved user experience, a better integration with Bullhorn ATS, and the following features:
- Field flowback
- New document builder
- Redesigned packet admin
- Interactive dashboard for tracking
- Enhanced candidate experience
Tune in at 11:23 to hear a breakdown of each feature and what it means for your onboarding experience.
Onboarding Demo
So what does Bullhorn Onboarding actually look like? Kat breaks down Bullhorn Onboarding for a recruiter, candidate, or admin.
16:23: Recruiter Experience
Kat explains what it looks like when a recruiter sends out documents to the candidate portal. This can be done individually or as a packet. You can also automate the sending of those packets after a placement has been made. Kat shows you how to send out an offer letter as well as what the candidate sees on their end after they’ve logged in through their autogenerated name and password.
18:27: Candidate Experience
So what does a candidate actually see? Every candidate sees a straightforward split-screen with uncompleted documents on the left and completed documents on the right. Kat clicks into the offer letter to explore what the user experience looks like for the candidate. With the new release of onboarding, fields will automatically flowback, meaning any fields the candidate modifies will flow back into their candidate profile within Bullhorn. As the recruiter, you have the power to control which fields flow back and which are required.
Signing documents is easy as well—candidates can submit a “wet” signature, as we often see on mobile, or a click-to-sign, which is a slightly faster method. Filled out and completed? Watch the document shift to the completed side of the Onboarding portal home screen.
After a candidate submits their documents electronically, they update real time in Bullhorn ATS for recruiters to take a look at. They can view these either per candidate/placement or at a larger scale in their dashboard.
23:10: Admin Experience
From the dashboard, admins can see all individuals with documents assigned to them, sent to their candidate portal, their candidate status, and their E-Verify status. Admins can take a deep-dive into a particular candidate and their documents, view completed documents, and complete necessary paperwork.
Admins can also create documents and packets in the ATS through the document builder. The new alignment guidelines in the Bullhorn Onboarding document builder make it easier to create intuitive and skillful documents without any design background needed. Simply drag and drop your fields into place, and the alignment guidelines will automatically appear to ensure your fields are perfectly aligned, symmetrical, and ready for sharing.
27:44: A Look To The Future
More developments to come! Stay tuned for the following features:
- Smart Forms
- Document Field Flow-Down
- Language Support
- Candidate Merge
- SMS Enhancements
- Document Versioning
Question & Answer
28:46: Question 1: Can you explain the E-Verify abilities of Bullhorn Onboarding?
29:07: Question 2: Is this available to both S Release and Novo customers?