Why Bullhorn Analytics?

Every recruitment agency around the globe is thinking about growth. You might be looking to increase your revenue, accelerate new hires, reduce churn, win new business, build a contract book or add heads to your business. It can mean different things to different agencies, but almost everyone understands the advantage that data can play.
Bullhorn Analytics is the smartest way to turn all the data in your CRM and financial records into clear actions toward profitable growth. It’s a way of optimizing your two greatest assets: your people and your data.
From the day-to-day of your consultants’ activity through to the decisions that shape your L&D, your hiring, the clients you work with, and the profit you then drive, imagine what you could do if you knew with scientific confidence what you needed to change to achieve your growth objectives.
Turn your data into actions with Bullhorn Analytics
When we first sit down with recruitment agencies, we ask them their objectives, current reporting capability, and the role that analytics could play in that. Bullhorn Analytics is a performance management platform to drive the behaviors that drive revenue. It’s here to place the best candidates in the best seats at the best price.
By sitting within your CRM, Bullhorn Analytics provides your consultants with a traffic light overview of their pipeline, prioritizes their activity, and alerts them as to why their processes might be breaking down.
Plenty of agencies will have access to data, but very few have usable insights, and an even smaller portion have them when they need them.
Imagine Bullhorn Analytics as the personal trainer at the gym telling you what to do or the weighing scales in your bathroom. It’s a prescriptive and accurate way of showing your consultants what they need to do to achieve their targets.
Real-time insights when they’re most useful
In recruitment, the insights you draw from data have the shelf life of a banana. It’s why it’s so important that your analytics are visible, interpretable, and available for the right people as and when they’re making decisions.
We often find that agencies focus too hard on a single corner of a much bigger picture – their consultants. We know that having all the information means you can make stronger decisions about your clients, candidates, and the jobs you’re working.
Your revenue might be growing, but would you make different decisions if you could see a stage-by-stage breakdown of the activity going into clients against the profit coming out? What if you knew the most likely candidates to be placed, the difficult clients to interview, where job briefs were too thin and why your top billers were actually successful?
With Bullhorn Analytics, this information is only ever a few clicks away and will pinpoint where pipelines are breaking down and identify what’s needed to change that.
Support your decisions in seconds
Recruitment is moving faster than ever, and the way recruitment agencies work has to reflect this. The information you need has to be readily available, easily accessible, and interpretable once you have it. Bullhorn Analytics becomes the single conversation point for reporting and understanding growth across your entire business.
How much time is spent mapping financial forecasts in excel, measuring client ROI, creating performance reviews, or identifying where L&D would add maximum value?
We give recruitment leaders, CFOs, and analysts the answers to anything they could ask of the business within a few simple clicks.
Leaders should be focused on executing strategy, and managers should focus on developing their recruiters to recruit better. Imagine if you could build a report with a click and compare any individual, team or office against any metric in seconds.
Analytics without analysts
What to ask, what to look for, and the sheer mention of data can leave most in recruitment, quite understandably, drawing a blank. We built the platform with recruiters in mind and invested heavily in the UI to ensure that those using it would only ever need guidance and not training to get what they need.
It sits seamlessly within your consultants’ CRM so that the first view they see is the Bullhorn Analytics dashboard and the activity they need to prioritize. It’s the opposite of a micromanaging tool; it’s a way to empower consultants to better manage their KPIs, qualify their pipeline, and focus on the activity that will deliver the best returns. You can isolate where activity metrics are breaking down and, more importantly, identify why. We’ve built the platform to enable everybody with the power to change their performance.
Put science behind your instinct
Making leadership decisions based on gut feel carries risk. Using data to support those decisions gives you the information to reduce that risk and act with confidence.
Bullhorn Analytics is much more than a performance management tool: it supplies the analytics to make KPIs work for consultants. If the problem is actually sitting with your client, candidate, or the role itself, then you’re unlikely to affect positive change by tackling the wrong metric. It also allows you to put tracing paper over success and plot a course for new hires and underperformers to accelerate with.
Bullhorn Analytics is a way of taking all the morning stand-ups and whiteboard prospects and collating them in one centralized place so that recruiters can manage their pipeline at any time, with any device, from any place.
Connect your CRM with quality data
It’s easy to understand why recruitment businesses have a longstanding concern over their data quality and CRM use. We’ve all experienced top billers that are allergic to logging calls, notes, and interviews. Think of the difference that one wrong word can make to a sentence. Now consider that the same applies to incomplete, incorrect, or unconnected data within your CRM. When it comes to data, it’s a case of rubbish in, rubbish out.
When you lose eyes on activity and strategy, you expose your agency to risk by relying solely on an individual to understand how to continue with an account. Yet, agencies will continue to invest heavily in their CRMs – as they should – despite the knowledge that they could be using them for far more than they do.
We built Bullhorn Analytics to improve data entry and to encourage consultants’ to use their CRMs to drive their own performance. By introducing visual leaderboards, deal flashes, incentives, and competition, you can significantly improve data entry and team performance. You also identify those not recording their activity.
Bullhorn Analytics was built from the bottom up with consultants in mind. That said, the way you use data has to be a cultural shift that’s driven from the top to benefit those at the bottom. It significantly increases CRM engagement when you give your consultants’ a reason to log their activity. By simply showing how individuals are contributing to the company’s wider goals and how the company’s goals are aligned with their development, you dramatically improve retention.
Be confident in a competitive world
We’re a purpose-built advantage for the recruitment industry that wants to keep you in front of your biggest competition: your clients. Imagine the confidence you can sell with if you can demonstrate to clients why your placements will be successful and what your ROI is. It allows you to optimize your workforce, push for exclusivity, raise your margins and prove your delivery. How much of your competition can do the same?
If you’ve done what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got, and while that might mean growth, you have to think about the opportunity in front of you to do things better.
Bullhorn Analytics gives you the answers you need to grow with confident direction. Why not get in touch today for a no-obligation consultation on how we could help drive growth within your organization?