Communicate via WhatsApp

All WhatsApp communication with candidates and clients takes place directly from Bullhorn and is automatically logged in the profiles. Perfect, because you can always easily find all WhatsApp messages in Bullhorn and take them over from your colleagues

Send job alerts via WhatsApp

Want to quickly inform candidates about a new vacancy? With this solution you can send job alerts to selected candidates via WhatsApp. Based on the candidate’s response, we can automatically update the status and procedure.

Check availability via WhatsApp

Want to know when your candidates are available? Or just ask for an update quickly? You can arrange it in no time with the Availability feature. Groups of candidates can easily indicate via a button in WhatsApp whether they are available or not. The WhatsApp conversation is automatically saved in Bullhorn.

Prolong GDPR via WhatsApp

You’re obliged to ensure that your GDPR information is up to date. With this feature you can send automatic reminders via WhatsApp to your candidates. Candidates can easily indicate via WhatsApp whether they give permission for the new period and the opt-in is automatically registered in the candidate profile.

Download our white paper below ‘5 tools in WhatsApp for Bullhorn that will improve your candidate engagement and optimise your recruitment process.’

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