Brand and Customize Your Job Board

Matador Jobs empowers you to create a job board that perfectly aligns with your brand while providing a seamless experience for both recruiters and applicants. Here’s how:

Automatic Syncing with Bullhorn: All job details are sourced directly from your Bullhorn data and automatically synced, ensuring your job listings are always up-to-date without any manual effort.

Customizable Search and Filtering Options: Enhance the candidate experience with customizable search and filtering options, making it easy for applicants to find the perfect job.

Flexible Data Import: Import any field from the Bullhorn Job Object to tailor your job board to meet your specific needs and display the most relevant information.

Multi-Language Support: Matador Jobs is fully multi-language, including translation of job descriptions, to ensure you reach a global audience and provide a user-friendly experience

With Matador Jobs, you can effortlessly brand and customize your job board, providing a professional and tailored experience that reflects your company’s identity and meets the needs of your diverse applicant pool.

Application form screenshot

Accept Applications from Candidates

Streamline your recruitment process with Matador Jobs by accepting applications directly through your job board. Here’s what makes our application process exceptional:

Fully Customizable Application Form: Create an application form tailored to your specific needs. Customize every field to ensure you gather all the necessary information from candidates.

Seamless Bullhorn Integration: Any Bullhorn candidate field can be mapped to a question on your application form, ensuring a smooth and efficient data transfer.

Automatic Syncing to Bullhorn: Once a candidate submits their application, all their details are automatically synced with Bullhorn, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing errors.

Timely Notifications: Stay informed with automatic email notifications for recruiters and clients whenever a new application is submitted, ensuring no opportunity is missed.

File Uploads: Accept resumes, cover letters, and multiple files directly uploaded to Bullhorn, making it easy to keep all candidate documents organized and accessible.

With Matador Jobs, accepting applications from candidates has never been easier or more efficient. Tailor your application process to your needs and integrate seamlessly with Bullhorn to enhance your recruitment workflow.

From No Code to No Limits

Matador Jobs offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to build and customize your job board using your favourite WordPress tools. Here’s how we make customization easy:

Versatile Building Tools: Matador provides shortcodes, Gutenberg blocks, Elementor widgets, and overridable template files, giving you the freedom to design your job board with the tools you know and love.

Native WordPress Integration: Jobs are imported as native WordPress objects, meaning all standard WordPress themes and plugins can work directly with jobs just as they would with any standard WordPress post. This integration allows you to leverage the full power of WordPress to enhance your job board’s functionality.

With Matador Jobs, you have the flexibility to create a job board that meets your unique needs, from no code solutions to limitless customization options. Build your job board your way and take full advantage of WordPress’s powerful ecosystem.

Matador Jobs list of extensions

Powerful Integrations for Enhanced Recruitment

Matador Jobs offers a wide array of integrations to expand your reach and streamline your recruitment processes. Here’s how we connect you to more candidates and keep your team informed:

Third-Party Job Board Syndication: Syndicate your job postings to an ever-growing number of third-party job boards, including LinkedIn and Indeed. This broadens your job’s visibility, helping you attract a diverse range of qualified candidates.

Advanced Notifications: Receive job and application notifications on your preferred communication platforms, such as Teams, Slack, and Discord. This ensures your recruitment team stays updated and can respond promptly to new developments.

Extensive Integration Options: Enhance your recruitment workflow with a variety of additional integrations:

Job Alerts via Mailchimp: Keep candidates informed about new job postings through automated email alerts.

Push Data to Asana: Seamlessly integrate job and application data with Asana for efficient task management.

Process Candidates with DaXtra: Utilize DaXtra for advanced candidate processing and data management.

Social Media Sharing with Social Web Suite: Automatically share your job postings on your social media channels, increasing your reach and engagement.

With Matador Jobs, you can leverage powerful integrations to optimize your recruitment efforts, enhance team collaboration, and expand your job’s visibility across multiple platforms.

list of filters

Extensible, Developer Friendly

Matador Jobs has been created by WordPress specialists to integrate Bullhorn CRM seamlessly into your WordPress site without the need for a developer to change it. That said, if you want a highly customized experience, Matador was built to be extensible and developer friendly. Skilled WordPress experts will be able to easily customize the experience. Matador has over 500 filters and actions so developers can customize and extend its functionality to suit your exact needs.

Two men from the Matador Jobs team at a venue booth

Exceptional Support at Your Fingertips

With Matador Jobs, you’re never alone. Our dedicated team is here to ensure your success:

Fully Supported: Help is just an email away. Our responsive team is ready to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter.

Expert Team: Our team comprises WordPress experts with decades of experience. We understand the intricacies of WordPress and Bullhorn integration, providing you with top-tier support and solutions.

Proven Satisfaction: Join hundreds of happy clients who trust Matador Jobs for their recruitment needs. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is reflected in our growing base of satisfied users.

Rely on Matador Jobs for exceptional support, expert guidance, and a proven track record of success. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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