The Shift of Power in Digital Advertising

The rise of digital advertising has come with many questions, theories, and failures. It has also included plenty of experimentation, assumptions, and what some refer to as “accepted truths.” This reminds me of the old question: “If all of your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you jump too?” Just because everyone else is doing something a certain way, you don’t necessarily have to follow suit.
As with any new business practice, process implementation and execution can be scary, especially when it involves a shift in the way we think. In a recent AdExchanger article titled It’s a Seller’s Market, Jay Friedman, COO at Goodway Group, discusses a shift in the belief that digital advertising gives the buyer (the ad agency) control rather than the seller (the publisher). Traditionally, this may have been the case, but where does the power sit now? Friedman recognizes that the seller actually has the power in today’s market, and he points out that publishers need to be taking advantage of current market conditions. The quality they can provide to buyers is huge.
Any digital marketing or advertising professional knows that it’s important for ad messaging to be relevant. But the quality and relevancy of actual ad placement is just as crucial. We all want the best experience for our potential customers, so why clutter their digital experience? Digital ad placements, when done right, can make a world of a difference.
Friedman poses the question, “Is it any wonder consumers have taken to ad blocking? Publishers got themselves into this mess, but publishers can easily get themselves out. Creating a desirable experience that doesn’t overtly take advantage of users’ time and the data they generate is doable.”
Whether you’re a publisher or a digital advertiser, it’s important to understand this shift in power and identify how you can take advantage of today’s digital market conditions for your own benefit.