The Four Biggest Impacts of Training Your Dynamic Workers

While Generation X and Baby Boomer workers have generally preferred the stability that long-term positions offered, newer generations strive for variety and opportunities to learn at work. The reasons why staffing agencies are chosen as main employers by ever more workers are diverse, but we can point out a few that we hear regularly from our clients and prospects: the flexibility to work on your preferred schedule or even on demand, the longer-term opportunities arising from temporary jobs, the ability to work with different teams throughout the year, or the chance to learn new skills that allow developing one’s career path.
According to the American Staffing Association, 60% of US workers think they could be more effective in their job if their employer offered more training, and state that many mistakes at work are due to a lack of training.
It is clear that workers appreciate being trained by their employers, both for self-development and to better perform their jobs within the company. But do you know what is the bottom line for these employers?
Increased Employee Engagement
In a highly fragmented market like temporary staffing, competition is tough among agencies to find both clients and candidates. Offering valuable training programs to workers should be part of every staffing agency’s talent acquisition strategy. Structuring these programs and advertising them as part of your communication plan will eventually pay off in better applicants and also an improved brand image (more about that below). Investing in training will provide your agency with loyalty and staff retention, saving you significantly on onboarding and training down the road. Your current staff will appreciate this initiative that will help build their self-esteem and will be more likely to opt for new positions within the company.
Upskilling = Upselling
Training dynamic workers should be a priority for all staffing agencies willing to provide the best quality service to their clients. We’ve written regularly on our blog about the benefits of a good workforce management solution. But even with a dynamic workforce management solution like Sirenum to manage your dynamic workers, you can still improve the quality of work that they perform at client sites. Upskilling your workers–and properly updating their employee records to reflect new achievements and certificates–will make a difference to the quality you deliver to your clients. Outperforming your competition with upskilled staff will then facilitate the upsell process.
Diversification Across Industries
Training your staff to perform a different role increases their engagement and improves their future prospects both within your business and outside, but it doesn’t end there. Enabling your workers to gain new skills will make your company grow and expand while help you better address present demand. Building new skills across your team will allow your agency to sell to new clients that perhaps you hadn’t even considered before. For instance, if your staffing agency is focused on events, you could start training motivated workers in other fields that require similar characteristics and personality traits, like retail or hospitality.
Brand Building
Caring for your staff is always good business–it facilitates a comfortable atmosphere, warm and friendly communication within your team, and more effective operations. But it can also be a good opportunity to build your brand around this initiative. Investing in training dynamic workers will reflect well on your business and its employees, and your brand will be better recognized by both candidates and prospects.